Unqork Privacy Policy

Unqork, Inc. respects your privacy and is committed to protecting it through compliance with this Privacy Policy and applicable law.

This Privacy Policy Describes:

  • What personal data we collect and process, including from our websites Unqork.com (the “Site”), and Unqork.io (the “Service”);
  • How we use the data;
  • Our certification to the EU-US and Swiss-US Privacy Shield to, inter alia, permit transfers under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR);
  • With whom we may share the personal data;
  • Legal grounds for the processing of data;
  • Protection and storage of your data;
  • The rights and choices you may have, including with regard to access, correction and deletion of your data; and
  • Disclosures, links to other sites and Privacy Policy updates.


Unqork provides a Cloud platform through a Software as a Service (SaaS) model. At Unqork the privacy and security of our customers, respondents and visitors are of paramount importance. Unqork is committed to protecting the data you share with us. This Privacy Policy governs our data collection, processing and usage practices. It also describes your choices regarding use, access and correction of your personal information. If you do not agree with the data practices described in this Privacy Policy, you should not use the Websites or the Unqork Service. This Policy describes how we treat personal information on the websites where it is located. This includes Unqork.com and *.Unqork.io sites. By interacting with us, you consent to these practices.

For the purposes of European data protection laws, the data controller is Unqork, Inc.

This privacy policy explains how Unqork processes information that can be used to directly or indirectly identify an individual (“Personal Data”) collected through use of its website and services.

Any information stored on Unqork’s platform is treated as confidential. All information is stored securely and is accessed by authorized personnel only. Unqork implements and maintains appropriate technical, security and organizational measures to protect Personal Data against unauthorized or unlawful processing and use, and against accidental loss, destruction, damage, theft or disclosure.

We recommend that you read this Privacy Policy in full to ensure you are fully informed. However, if you want to access a particular section of this Privacy Policy, please refer to the below.

Use of Information

Compliance with Our Privacy Policy

We use the information we collect only in compliance with this Privacy Policy. The different types of data use are outlined here below by type; Public/Website only, and clients. Clients who subscribe to our Unqork Services are obligated through our agreements with them to comply with this Privacy Policy.

We use information as disclosed and described here

General Public and Website Visitors:

We use information to respond to your requests or questions. For example, we might use your information to respond to your customer feedback. We also use your information to create and administer your account.
We use information to improve our products and services. We may use your information to make our website and products better. We might use your information to customize your experience with us. We use your information to measure and analyze the website.

Use of the Unqork Service by Unqork and our Clients

Information we collect and process as a data processor

Unqork’s services are used by our customers to design, build and perform electronic signatures on documents that they request be signed. On behalf of our customers, who are the data controllers, we solicit and process information from signers that is required to complete various types of documents. Unqork collects personally identifiable information from users at several different points on the Site to fulfill the requirements of the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA) of 1999, the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (E-SIGN) of 2000, and Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 23 July 2014 (eIDAS). Additionally, Unqork may gather information as directed by our clients to fulfill the requirements of any document presented to be signed. Information obtained for the purpose of fulfilling documents presented to be signed on behalf of Unqork Clients is applied to the produced PDF (portable document format) on behalf of our clients. Any presentation of this document or the digital form fields to collect the data is provided using industry accepted transport secure-socket layer technology (TSL). We do not provide this information to third parties that are not a party or do not have a legitimate business interest in the electronic document being signed. Public website visitors to Unqork.com may voluntary supply personal data to sign up for our newsletter, request information, and contact us or for other business inquiries.

We act as a platform for client on-boarding and servicing. We act as your front door to digital distribution of products and customer onboarding. We clean up and validate application input, augment the submission with external data sources. We enable our clients to capture data and documents, enrich or validate it with external data sources while providing powerful analytics that will help improve your experience.

Our online Unqork Service allows any company that uses it to create and share product offerings and customer applications for enrollment content.

The information added to the Unqork Service, either by site visitors providing their contact information or when an Unqork Service Client adds the information, is stored and managed on our cloud service providers’ servers. This information is then used to contact visitors about their interest in the company’s goods or services and interact with the company.

Use by Our Clients

Our clients use the Unqork Service to build digital forms that people can receive on any connected device such as desktop or laptop computers, tablets and smart phones and complete for their business products or services and or to opt in or purchase those products or services. Unqork does not control the content of these web forms or the types of information that our customers may choose to collect or manage using the Unqork Service. That information belongs to them and is used, disclosed and protected by them according to their privacy policies and Unqork is the data processor per the EEA (European Economic Act) and Privacy Shield.

Unqork processes our clients’ information as directed and in accordance with our agreements with our clients, and we store it on our service providers’ servers, but we do not have control over its collection or management on external client infrastructure. Clients of Unqork services must provide any and all legal notices, content text and placement in their form and application process to support and comply with local, regional and global privacy and business law for the products or services they are offering via the Unqork platform.

Our agreements with our clients prohibit us from using that information, except as necessary to provide and improve the Unqork Service, as permitted by this Privacy Policy, and as required by law. We have no direct relationship with individuals who provide Personal Information to our customers.

Personal data is not solicited by Unqork for any other use in a client instance other than to apply information to documents, which are also made available to the signers, on behalf of our clients, and to pass the data through to our clients, on whose behalf such data has been collected for the purposes of electronic signing and purchasing product or services offered by that Client.

Unqork does not obtain such data from our client’s document signers for any internal purposes. Signers of electronic documents are agreeing to conduct business with, and share information with, the specific client on whose behalf Unqork is requesting information for the completion and signing of specific documents.

Data that Unqork solicits from signers:

  • is not provided to public information databases;
  • is not provided to other third parties not associated with documents being signed by signers.

Unqork collects information under the direction of its clients, and has no direct relationship with the individuals whose Personal Data it processes. We may transfer limited Personal Data to companies that help us provide our service. Transfers to subsequent third parties are covered by the service agreements with our clients.

Unqork Staff and HR Data

Unqork does not at this time host HR data internal to the Unqork Business offices or platform. All HR data is stored by the HR providers TriNet for US and Globalization Partners for UK/EU HR services and BambooHR across all locations and their contact and privacy policy can be found on the Provider Websites. Unqork is a TriNet, BambooHR and Globalization Partners customer so as an employee or contractor of Unqork, these providers collect the information necessary to provide HR benefits and payroll services for our staff, providers may collect it either from you directly or from your employer HR team. This collection is limited to the purpose of providing the service for which the customer has engaged these HR service partners.

Unqork does not at this time host HR data internal to the Unqork Business offices or platform. All HR data is stored by the HR providers TriNet for US and Globalization Partners for UK/EU HR services and BambooHR across all locations and their contact and privacy policy can be found on the Provider Websites. Unqork is a TriNet, BambooHR and Globalization Partners customer so as an employee or contractor of Unqork, these providers collect the information necessary to provide HR benefits and payroll services for our staff, providers may collect it either from you directly or from your employer HR team. This collection is limited to the purpose of providing the service for which the customer has engaged these HR service partners.

Unqork does not at this time host HR data internal to the Unqork Business offices or platform. All HR data is stored by the HR providers TriNet for US and Globalization Partners for UK/EU HR services and BambooHR across all locations and their contact and privacy policy can be found on the Provider Websites. Unqork is a TriNet, BambooHR and Globalization Partners customer so as an employee or contractor of Unqork, these providers collect the information necessary to provide HR benefits and payroll services for our staff, providers may collect it either from you directly or from your employer HR team. This collection is limited to the purpose of providing the service for which the customer has engaged these HR service partners.

Unqork does not at this time host HR data internal to the Unqork Business offices or platform. All HR data is stored by the HR providers TriNet for US and Globalization Partners for UK/EU HR services and BambooHR across all locations and their contact and privacy policy can be found on the Provider Websites. Unqork is a TriNet, BambooHR and Globalization Partners customer so as an employee or contractor of Unqork, these providers collect the information necessary to provide HR benefits and payroll services for our staff, providers may collect it either from you directly or from your employer HR team. This collection is limited to the purpose of providing the service for which the customer has engaged these HR service partners.

Unqork does not at this time host HR data internal to the Unqork Business offices or platform. All HR data is stored by the HR providers TriNet for US and Globalization Partners for UK/EU HR services and BambooHR across all locations and their contact and privacy policy can be found on the Provider Websites. Unqork is a TriNet, BambooHR and Globalization Partners customer so as an employee or contractor of Unqork, these providers collect the information necessary to provide HR benefits and payroll services for our staff, providers may collect it either from you directly or from your employer HR team. This collection is limited to the purpose of providing the service for which the customer has engaged these HR service partners.

Unqork does not at this time host HR data internal to the Unqork Business offices or platform. All HR data is stored by the HR providers TriNet for US and Globalization Partners for UK/EU HR services and BambooHR across all locations and their contact and privacy policy can be found on the Provider Websites. Unqork is a TriNet, BambooHR and Globalization Partners customer so as an employee or contractor of Unqork, these providers collect the information necessary to provide HR benefits and payroll services for our staff, providers may collect it either from you directly or from your employer HR team. This collection is limited to the purpose of providing the service for which the customer has engaged these HR service partners.

Unqork does not at this time host HR data internal to the Unqork Business offices or platform. All HR data is stored by the HR providers TriNet for US and Globalization Partners for UK/EU HR services and BambooHR across all locations and their contact and privacy policy can be found on the Provider Websites. Unqork is a TriNet, BambooHR and Globalization Partners customer so as an employee or contractor of Unqork, these providers collect the information necessary to provide HR benefits and payroll services for our staff, providers may collect it either from you directly or from your employer HR team. This collection is limited to the purpose of providing the service for which the customer has engaged these HR service partners.

Unqork does not at this time host HR data internal to the Unqork Business offices or platform. All HR data is stored by the HR providers TriNet for US and Globalization Partners for UK/EU HR services and BambooHR across all locations and their contact and privacy policy can be found on the Provider Websites. Unqork is a TriNet, BambooHR and Globalization Partners customer so as an employee or contractor of Unqork, these providers collect the information necessary to provide HR benefits and payroll services for our staff, providers may collect it either from you directly or from your employer HR team. This collection is limited to the purpose of providing the service for which the customer has engaged these HR service partners.

Unqork does not at this time host HR data internal to the Unqork Business offices or platform. All HR data is stored by the HR providers TriNet for US and Globalization Partners for UK/EU HR services and BambooHR across all locations and their contact and privacy policy can be found on the Provider Websites. Unqork is a TriNet, BambooHR and Globalization Partners customer so as an employee or contractor of Unqork, these providers collect the information necessary to provide HR benefits and payroll services for our staff, providers may collect it either from you directly or from your employer HR team. This collection is limited to the purpose of providing the service for which the customer has engaged these HR service partners.

Unqork does not at this time host HR data internal to the Unqork Business offices or platform. All HR data is stored by the HR providers TriNet for US and Globalization Partners for UK/EU HR services and BambooHR across all locations and their contact and privacy policy can be found on the Provider Websites. Unqork is a TriNet, BambooHR and Globalization Partners customer so as an employee or contractor of Unqork, these providers collect the information necessary to provide HR benefits and payroll services for our staff, providers may collect it either from you directly or from your employer HR team. This collection is limited to the purpose of providing the service for which the customer has engaged these HR service partners.

Unqork does not at this time host HR data internal to the Unqork Business offices or platform. All HR data is stored by the HR providers TriNet for US and Globalization Partners for UK/EU HR services and BambooHR across all locations and their contact and privacy policy can be found on the Provider Websites. Unqork is a TriNet, BambooHR and Globalization Partners customer so as an employee or contractor of Unqork, these providers collect the information necessary to provide HR benefits and payroll services for our staff, providers may collect it either from you directly or from your employer HR team. This collection is limited to the purpose of providing the service for which the customer has engaged these HR service partners.

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