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4 Technologies Enabled by the Era of No-Code


The no-code era is making IT more accessible across a variety of industries — here’s a closer look at four game-changing no-code technologies. 

From the invention of Plan Calculus in 1945 to the unveiling of HTML5 in 2014, computer development has always had a reputation for exclusivity. Many have come to believe that IT is only for the tech geniuses of the world, those who have put in the long hours to be able to decode computer languages.  

The era of no-code has ushered in a new age of accessibility that disrupts this negative connotation. No-code represents a fundamental shift in how the IT industry has operated thus far. Non-programmers can use visual interfaces to translate ideas into applications, no formal coding experience required. Back in 2014, Gartner predicted that nearly half of all business-to-employee apps would be built using code-less tools by 2018 — that estimate now seems conservative.  

At Unqork, we believe in the power of no-code in the enterprise to drive massive transformation and lower legacy costs — but enterprise technology isn’t the only area that no-code impacts. The next generation of technical workers will still need to have a knack for the business logic involved in development, but they will not need to “speak” higher order computer languages in order to get things done. Here are four exciting new technologies enabled by the no-code era:


1. Machine Learning

Machine learning refers to the process of giving computers the ability to “learn” or become progressively better at processing without additional explicit programming. In the very recent past, only juggernauts like Google and Amazon possessed the resources necessary to train and launch advanced AI algorithms. Prior to that, only people who knew R, Enterprise Minor, or a SaaS proprietary language could find predictive values with complex models.

Democratization is particularly exciting in the machine learning arena because the AI field works best when all innovative thinkers have the opportunity to create. Companies like DataRobot have already begun to build tools that automate the production of complex models. Machine learning allows developers to take a dataset, identify the column they want predictive values for, and let the system isolate the best calculations.


2. Business Intelligence

With the meteoric rise of IoT and connected devices in the marketplace, tech-savvy approaches to business intelligence (BI) have become increasingly necessary. Companies use third-party tools to analyze the large quantities of data their products pull in to make smarter executive decisions, analyze customer behavior to fuel engagement efforts, and track potential issues. 


Democratized BI allows anyone to run analysis by drilling down in a database and automating the translation of found data into charts. Previously, this process required an intimate knowledge of SQL. Looker, Tableau, and Periscope Data are all using technology influenced by the no-code era to revolutionize BI best practices. 


3. Website Builders

These days, if you want to create a brand, sell products, or tell your story, the first move is to carve out a space for yourself online. Amateur-friendly website builders make this possible for everyone. Research has found that 66 percent of millennials want to start their own businesses, and entrepreneurs between the ages of 20 and 35 start twice as many companies as people over 50. From clothing boutiques to podcasts, the zeitgeist is shifting toward a mindset in which everyone must know how to market themselves.

Website building tools like Squarespace, Wix, and Webflow allow users to build impressive websites through visual interfaces and templatization rather than code. With the use of these tools, marketers of any experience level can circumvent the need for HTML and JavaScript to easily create their own websites.


4. Enterprise Application Software 

Last but certainly not least, the no-code era has revitalized enterprise app development. Developers no longer have to be classically trained engineers to build applications, in contrast to traditional development and low-code solutions. Users can pull from a large repertoire of customizable use cases and easily tailor specific components to their needs. Drag-and-drop self-validating components can be combined to create complex and unique interactions.

What’s more, no-code platforms can execute all of this with incredible speed. Once no-code output is created, applications are fully functional and ready to be updated without disrupting the entire system’s environment. Perhaps the most interesting part of all of these no-code technologies, however, is more long-term than any of these immediate benefits. Further down the line, the no-code era will empower future generations of creators to focus on innovation. When barriers to the IT field come down and accessibility goes up, everyone benefits. 

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