4 min read

How to Explain No-Code to a CIO


CIOs are looking for software that can improve operations and accelerate delivery. No-code platforms are an ideal solution.
No-code platforms are transformations of the status quo, so adopting one can be a game-changing initiative for any organization. Beyond the service they provide, the improvements to software delivery these platforms enable can empower companies to innovate and discover new value.

However, suggesting an entirely new way for your organization to build applications can also invite skepticism. In this series, we’ll provide advice on how to discuss no-code platforms with various people within your company, with an eye toward the benefits they can bring everyone from the C-suite to developers. 

Selecting a new platform or vendor is a crucial decision, and C-level executives are naturally looking to drive organizational strategy and uncover growth opportunities. With the concerns, priorities, and questions of a CIO in mind, let’s break down the positive impact that switching to a no-code platform can make on a company’s overall technology strategy.

The Chief Concerns of the CIO

In an increasingly complex digital environment for modern businesses, the role of the CIO is constantly evolving. CIOs play a pivotal role in the ongoing digital transformation of their organizations and are critical decision-makers when it comes to any new technology a company is looking to implement. Selecting the right software vendor can lead to increased productivity and efficiency—but CIOs may also naturally have a few concerns. 
For example, CIOs are consistently confronted with questions about information security. Introducing any new technology requires them to be certain that enterprise-grade security and compliance are built-in to protect the organization and its sensitive data. They’re also focused on the happiness of their developers, maintaining high technology standards, minimizing shadow IT, and delivering on business needs.
In short, CIOs are looking for technology that can better meet the needs of the internal team without introducing new security risks or requiring extensive engineering teams to maintain.

No-Code Offers a Solution

With successful software delivery, CIOs can reposition their teams and departments to become indispensable business partners, driving strategy and improving customer engagement. Fortunately, no-code is primed to help CIOs take charge by offering an alternative way to tackle growing IT project backlogs and get software to market faster. Here are just a few of the benefits no-code can offer a CIO:  

Reduced Risks

Traditionally, larger IT projects have meant custom code, large engineering teams, and a lengthy, drawn-out process of integration. CIOs have always had to face the tradeoff in which better, more complex applications meant more work. And due to these complexities, 9 out of 10 large IT projects fail. Failure to innovate can be expensive, and it is not unusual for enterprises to spend over half of their IT budgets on maintenance for legacy technologies.
With a no-code platform, business users can build customized tools without writing a single line of code. CIOs can dramatically reduce the complexity of application development, cutting costs associated with both implementation and potential failure.

Easier Hiring

Building customized tools for your organization is ideal, but as project delivery becomes more complex, it becomes harder to find candidates with the requisite IT skills. Organizations are facing a competitive talent market where there are simply not enough skilled IT personnel to meet market demands.

No-code simplifies hiring by enabling CIOs to widen the pool of qualified candidates. Whereas traditional coding requires years to learn, business users without a background in engineering can be trained to be proficient in no-code within weeks. This also frees up experienced engineers to work on projects that demand their expertise.

Having superior software helps CIOs better retain developers and keep employees happy. In a competitive talent market where IT skills are constantly in demand, employee retention can be the key to building a world-class IT operation.

Improved Collaboration

In many organizations, IT teams work separately from business teams and the two have only intermittent communication. As a result, through no fault of their own, IT teams may end up building products that do not match the expectations of the business. This can slow down delivery and waste valuable time and resources.
Because no-code platforms offer a more accessible interface, business users can better convey their requirements and directly participate in the building process. By empowering cross-team communication, no-code platforms streamline and accelerate the app development process.

Eliminates “Shadow IT”

“Shadow IT” refers to any technology that is deployed without the approval of the IT department. A lengthy development backlog is likely to encourage shadow IT because employees outside of the department may adopt shadow technologies to accelerate projects. But shadow IT can contribute to data breaches by introducing unsecured processes into an organization, making organizational systems more vulnerable to attacks.
By accelerating the development process, no-code can limit the shadow IT by ensuring IT projects stay within the department. With a faster and more collaborative development process, internal teams are less likely to go rogue and can instead learn to build their own apps safely and securely with a no-code platform. 

In Conclusion

Switching to a no-code platform can help CIOs give their organization a boost and even drive strategy. The right technology can bring concrete benefits to your company, and familiarizing yourself with these benefits is the first step to convincing your CIO that a no-code platform is just the technology they’re looking for. 

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