3 min read

No-Code Won’t Replace Programmers—It Will Empower Them


Don’t worry, programmers—no-code won’t make you obsolete. In fact, it’ll make your job even easier.

The great thing about being a developer in 2020 is that there are tons of new technologies that can help you work more efficiently. Still, when you’re surrounded by new tech that promises to automate developer processes and streamline projects, it might feel like there won’t be anything left for you to do. 

Without fully understanding how new technologies like no-code platforms work, it’s understandable that developers might be wary of what these tools offer. This shouldn’t be the case! As the no-code development experts, we know that programmers actually stand to gain the most from no-code. Here are just a few key reasons why you’ll find app development without code empowering, not threatening:

Tackle Long Project Backlogs

No-code development makes it possible for programmers of any experience level to build sophisticated applications with the use of visual interfaces. Drag-and-drop, self-validating components form complex interactions in record time, and you can reuse these templates again and again to fit a wide array of use cases specific to your industry. This means businesses are no longer held back by the constraints of the IT skills shortage—anyone in the organization can contribute to the development process.

Breaking down structural barriers to IT with no-code and bringing more people into the fold may sound like bad news for experienced coders, but it’s actually the opposite. By allowing business users to jump into app development and tackle simpler projects themselves, more experienced team members can focus on complex tasks. And as a programmer, these complex tasks are likely the ones that you’re most excited about tackling, while the simpler tasks just fill up the majority of your day. Use the extra time freed up by a no-code app builder to chip away at your team’s project backlog.    

Bridge the IT/Business Divide

With traditional app development, there’s usually a fundamental disconnect between the business and IT departments. Business teams have an idea of what they want the development team to build, but due to the separation between departments, there’s no way to guarantee the final product will come out exactly as they want it.

No-code bridges the IT/business divide in two major ways. First, building apps without code prevents developers from getting bogged down in disparate systems or legacy code. This helps programmers dig in and focus on the core value-add of the application they’re working on, retaining the most important ideas during the development process.

Second, since no-code apps don’t require coding experience, business team members can directly contribute to the app development process themselves. Programmers can rest easy (and program freely) knowing that they won’t be forced to restart a project due to miscommunication.

Easily Share Development Progress

Another downside to traditional app development is that it can be inflexible. Programmers must complete back-end development work before they can even think about basic visual configuration or other front-end factors. Checking all of those boxes takes a long time, and what’s worse, programmers can’t tangibly share their work until the project is almost finished. There’s no time for substantive feedback at that point, which can snowball into extensive (and expensive) delays if the business team decides they want to change course. 

A no-code platform comes with securely configured back-end development, which means a huge chunk of the app building process has already been completed for you. And since no-code output is live and ready to use as soon as it’s built, development teams can share their work for iterative feedback at any time.

Programmers and No-code Development Are a Perfect Match 

There’s no competition between programmers and no-code app builders. At Unqork, we believe that all programmers are no-code developers in the making—no-code platforms are a new, powerful tool in the development repertoire. With no-code, programmers can focus on more complex tasks, collaborate more effectively, and easily share progress with their colleagues. All of these benefits (and more!) suggest that no-code is the best thing to happen to developers since code.

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