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Power User Spotlight: Accenture’s Ranghanathan Lakshmi

Accenture Associate Manager Ranghanathan Lakshmi explores what it takes to build complex enterprise software today

A seasoned developer, technical analyst, and systems engineer, Subhra has worked across the insurance, banking, and travel domains. About a year and half ago, he began working for global technology consulting and services provider Mindtree, where quickly became a certified Unqork Professional configurator. Currently, he is building a robust property insurance administration app that handles everything from agent onboarding through policy creation, policy management, and beyond. 

What projects are you currently working on?

Subhra: Right now, I’m working on a property insurance application for a new startup that has a great idea for the market, and they’re already doing well. We are working on a property insurance application built completely on the Unqork platform. The application spans everything from onboarding agencies to providing policies. 

Before, it would have taken two to three months just to design the database, but with Unqork we can easily develop the entire application in that time. Backend database connections and DevOps are completely managed by the Unqork by itself, and that makes a huge difference.

How has Unqork transformed the way work?  

This is the first time I have used a codeless platform, and what I have seen is that the development time is really fast. Before, it would have taken two to three months just to design the database, but with Unqork we can easily develop the entire application in that time. Backend database connections and DevOps are completely managed by the Unqork itself, and that makes a huge difference. 

The Unqork platform offers really amazing things, including cool snippets in Unqork Marketplace that we have taken advantage of it. Another wonderful thing is that you can control user access down to the component level with Unqork. That has made my life so much easier compared to when I was working with other low-code platforms or traditional programming languages.

How does Unqork compare to other platforms like it out there? 

Unqork really lives up to its no-code tagline. So many platforms claim to be low-code or no-code, but we all know firsthand how much coding you eventually have to do. But with Unqork, no-code really means no-code, and that is what inspired us to work with Unqork. 

Were you able to get up and running quickly on Unqork? 

Definitely. Within just 15 days of training, I started contributing with Unqork. I began by studying in Unqork Academy. The great thing is, whatever you are learning, you can immediately start to practice on the platform. That makes the learning journey so much easier. 

These days whenever I have a question, I reach out on the Unqork Community Hub. In other communities, it can take days or even weeks to get the answer I need. But in Unqork I usually get an answer in less than a day. 

How has Unqork changed the way you and your team work collaborate? 

Usually, people on our team think of themselves as specializing in one area. Some of us are front-end developers, others are backend developers. But with Unqork, everyone gets to work on every level of the stack. For example, front-end people can easily take care of tasks like creating schema and writing queries. And that is helping each and every developer grow. 

What is your favorite aspect of the Unqork platform? 

I love the components and snippets available in the Unqork Marketplace. But currently my favorite thing has to be dynamic data grids. Grids make our lives really easy. You don’t need to do any extra configurations.

Do you want to share any best practices with other Unqork Creators? 

I really recommend thinking through your design and architecture right from the start, with the goal of making your applications as modular as possible. This way, going forward, you can reuse your modules as much as you want, instead of having to create them from scratch each time. 

It is also important to think about the readability of the components, so they can be reused easily. Categorizing them and using proper naming conventions really helps. 

I would also add that proper error handling and optimized database querying should be a priority to ensure better performance.

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