4 min read

Rapid Transformation Without Sacrificing on Security


Raise your enterprise security maturity with the power of Unqork and no-code.

IDC recently reported that worldwide revenue in the enterprise applications market grew 7.5% year over year in 2019, amounting to a staggering $224.6 billion (or slightly more than the GDP of Greece). In 2020, the coronavirus pandemic catapulted demand for digital transformation. Too often, as enterprises sought to move quickly, they were compelled to implement stop-gap technical solutions. Now, as we come out of the pandemic, it is clear that many of these digital initiatives—and the need for continued innovation—is here to stay. 

But what is the best way for enterprises to transform while wrestling with talent shortages, legacy software, and rapid technological advancements? And to do it without sacrificing security concerns.

Many software developers are stretched thin, balancing legacy software maintenance with writing new code in support of technology modernization and transformation projects. This increased pressure and pace leads to unforeseen coding mistakes that introduce security vulnerabilities into production environments. For example, GitHub recently disclosed that 99% of the repository’s security incidents come from human errors, a staggering number that also burdens security teams.  

According to a recent Ponemon research report, only 21% of respondents said their organizations are “highly effective” in patching vulnerabilities in a timely manner. 

Security engineers are often overwhelmed with an expanding technology inventory that also increases their exposure to application and infrastructure vulnerabilities—this, in turn, impacts remediation timelines and capabilities, forcing security teams to prioritize vulnerabilities instead of systematically addressing them as they arise. According to a recent Ponemon research report, only 21% of respondents said their organizations are “highly effective” in patching vulnerabilities in a timely manner. Enterprises are creating more vulnerabilities with code than we can resolve with code. 

To keep pace with the speed of technology and business change, enterprises need a completely different approach to application development. An approach that supports business agility, value generation, and transformation while reducing the propagation of more software code, which poses an additional security risk.  

Prioritize security with Unqork

Security is baked into the Unqork platform so enterprises can focus on building great applications.

The Unqork platform proves that speed and security no longer have to be mutually exclusive. By removing code, it’s possible to build secure and sophisticated enterprise-grade applications without compromising innovation or speed-to-market. 

With Unqork‘s built-in security features, customers no longer have to comb through endless lines of code for potential vulnerabilities. With customers in the most highly regulated industries (e.g., financial services, healthcare, public sector), everything we build is designed to meet the strictest information security and privacy standards. By default, web applications built with Unqork live in a single-tenant instance, so you don’t have to share server space with other companies and risk unintentional data loss. We regularly assess our platform security with bi-annual penetration testing, in-house application review & testing, annual SOC Type 2 examinations, and vulnerability monitoring. Plus, we constantly deploy patches so you don’t have to, freeing up more time to work on value-adding projects.    

To cross items off of your security checklist while focusing on innovation, put application security in the hands of a trusted partner like Unqork. To learn more about how we can help you build the secure web application your customers want, schedule a personalized platform demo with one of our in-house experts.

Build secure and compliant applications

Manage security and compliance concerns as you scale your technology.

Applications built with Unqork takes on much of the heavy lifting associated with enterprise security and compliance. As a result, organizations can free their skilled engineers to focus on addressing unique or complex business challenges, and empower less-experienced developers to build solutions with security and compliance already baked in. 

The Business Advantage

Experience rapid technology capabilities for frequent business changes and emerging growth needs.  

Maintaining a competitive business advantage requires modern technology capable of rapid updates in response to corporate changes, regulatory requirements, or customer demand. Using technology, organizations need to deliver durable business capabilities as quickly as possible, and with high utility. No-code allows organizations to strengthen their business partnerships—engineers and business analysts alike may use “drag-and-drop” functionality to jointly build basic to advanced enterprise applications. 

The Technology Advantage

Reduce your technology TCO while delivering more technology value faster.

Top-tier engineers often spend their time on lower-value legacy code maintenance, security fixes, or contextualizing the design and function of old code to new engineers. The constant pull between operational up-keep, evolving security requirements, and business demand make prioritization (and de-prioritization) a routine endeavor. Enterprise no-code reduces the burden of legacy tech debt and emergency security fires and instead frees up capacity to more quickly deliver technology value to your business partners. 

The Developer’s Advantage 

Spend less time fixing security bugs and more time developing software applications.

Software developers and engineers are builders at heart. Yet dedicated time to build new/modern applications is often decreased in place of legacy code maintenance or addressing an urgent security fix or issue. Enterprise no-code allows developers to create software with fewer bugs than code-based methods. By building software without worrying about code quality, developers save future time, frustration, and stress that comes with fixing bugs and reprioritizing projects due to security issues. Enterprise no-code removes the need to maintain and write code for legacy applications, freeing up coding cycles for the ‘secret sauce’ competitive business advantage applications that support your company’s bottom line. 

The security team advantage

Avoid playing whack-a-mole with a growing vulnerability backlog and technology footprint. 

Software code is everywhere, and it’s inherently insecure. Instead, build pipelines with infrastructure that doesn’t create code-based vulnerabilities within application development repositories, open source dependencies, and even security controls. Many of these vulnerabilities are not yet known (at least publicly). Enterprise no-code allows security teams to reduce their overall attack surface, eliminate common software vulnerabilities that have been around for decades, and reduce the burden of vulnerability triage, prioritization, and negotiation with software engineers. Instead, free up those cycles to focus on protecting your organization’s crown jewels, APIs, critical integrations, and logic flaws—while helping the business bolster its competitive advantage securely. 

Interested in learning more about how Unqork can empower your security function while offering advantages to technology teams and business units? Click here to set up a demo.

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