< 1 min read

Unqork Platform for Government


Although the benefits of adopting digital platforms are clear, government agencies often run into barriers to transformation. A recent Gartner survey found that 18% of CIOs across local, state, and federal governments prioritized digital initiatives as a key component in achieving their mission outcomes this year, which indicates a growing interest. Furthermore, 49% state CIOs surveyed in October 2021 cited digital government services as the top business process priority. Still, despite these ambitious goals, plans are too-often stymied by common sector-wide challenges, namely:

  • Legacy systems that are expensive to maintain and require time to phase out 

  • Understaffed tech teams leading to project backlogs and unmet agency needs

  • Complex ecosystems involving multiple stakeholders across a variety of agencies and entities

  • Long development and procurement cycles, which make transformation difficult and expensive

These challenges can’t be efficiently addressed using a traditional code-based (or even low-code-based) approach. This is why agencies at all levels are increasingly turning to no-code application platforms such as Unqork. With Unqork, agencies can build robust custom applications faster, at a higher quality, and lower price so they can deliver tailored digital experiences to relevant stakeholders, optimize internal workflows, and reduce costs overall.

Take a self-guided tour of Unqork’s Codeless-as-a-Service (CaaS) platform

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