2 min read

Continuous ESG Monitoring

Go beyond one-off reports with a flexible ESG infrastructure that supports continuous monitoring and tracking—and rapid remediation


ESG monitoring for large companies has evolved enormously in a short timespan. 

Just a few years ago, most companies still relied on periodic, ad-hoc snapshots focusing on S (social) and G (governance). More recently, stakeholders started to expect more comprehensive disclosures, including environmental impacts, at regular intervals.

Now, organizations are going the next step, searching for ways to support continuous monitoring of performance against ESG objectives. Continuous ESG monitoring requires technology that is agile enough to respond quickly to constantly changing requirements—and a controls framework that supports the kinds of public disclosures that investors and analysts increasingly expect.

No one size fits all

As demands for ESG reporting grew, many companies turned to point solutions. For example, carbon accounting software allows for streamlined greenhouse gas calculations and estimates. Data aggregators provide publicly available information for large sets of physical and financial assets. And carbon offset marketplaces allow for entities to purchase rights to carbon reducing and offsetting projects.

The problem is, point solutions can drive specific aspects of ESG programs, but they do not offer a comprehensive, centralized platform across programs. Moreover, most lack the flexibility to make changes quickly, whether you need to integrate a new or changing data source or build a new KPI. 

Codeless and continuous ESG

Unqork’s codeless development platform is uniquely able to meet the unique needs of each organization, support the need for iterative development, and provide a stable infrastructure that easily scales. 

With Unqork, you can centralize ESG activities in one experience, without having to duplicate sources of record or ripping and replacing existing technologies to support ESG needs. You can maintain the tools that are working for you, while reducing the time and expense of manual intervention, collation, and review. 

Turning insight into action

Ultimately, ESG efforts depend on what decision-makers do with the insights they gather. With  Unqork, you can equip a team with a centralized process that connects reporting and continuous monitoring with actionable tasks. 

Whether your goal is to target greenhouse gas intensity or absolute emissions, metrics at the top-of-house or aggregate from the business level, individual assets and/or an entire worksite, the Unqork platform is built to support your needs.

+ Learn more about powering ESG initiatives with codeless 

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